With the success of the Playscape under our belts, we are now looking at large grants for the Wheelscape, a small skate park designed by specialists for all types of wheels: from bikes to boards, skates to wheelchairs. This is a crucial element of the adopted Master Plan that grew out of major consultations and it seeks to cater for learners through to the more experienced, with Cam Skate and the SSYI’s resident experts reviewing the design for us.
Demonstrating demand is essential for any grant application and it has been a while since our original consultations (indeed skateboarding is now an Olympic sport!) so we want to understand how far people travel to access skateparks now and what a difference having a local one will make for them. If you use skate parks (or more importantly, would like to!) please consider writing us a letter of support or completing our survey here.
Speaking of donating, we are very grateful that the Village News has kindly awarded us £1000 towards the wheelscape. Thank you Village News team!
Fun Run: Save the Date and Help Needed
Sunday 11th September 2022! We’ll be back raising more money for the Wheelscape!
We have also been thinking about succession planning. The Fun Run raises c.£5000 every year and is a wonderful village event. We want to see this event return year after year, benefiting the local community long after the wheelscape is built, but we need to make it sustainable for our committee and so are looking for volunteers to join us either as a new race director or a committee member.
The race director is an important role (they chair the committee and lead on the race side of things), but there’s a whole support team that covers everything else from organising the road closure to overseeing publicity and securing volunteers. It is a well-oiled machine these days and now would be a good time to join us to learn the ropes as we organise this year’s event. We would also consider partnering with another local charity to deliver the event together and share the proceeds.
Please email Holly Barr for more details: funrun@shelfordplayscape.org
And Finally…
Thank you to all the volunteers who helped plant four new trees, re-locate four of the silver birch trees (to provide more shade for the Playscape in the future), cut back the herbaceous plants, create some new bug hotels and tidy-up the willow dome. You are amazing and we are so grateful for your time and energy.