Playscape News – December 2015 Newsletter

The Big Christmas Count Down Has Begun!

My kids may be thoroughly exited about the 24 numbers on our chocolate advent calendar, but I’m much more interested in a longer number …


…to be precise.  Yes, thanks to our very own elves (or rather Marion, our treasurer) beavering away behind the scenes, Great Shelford Playscape has now been successfully registered with the Charity Commission. Hooray!


Having a charity number just made fundraising that much easier.

  • Now anyone can set up a just giving page for one of our (soon to be announced!) exciting sponsored events.
  • Donations can be made through payroll giving schemes (particularly tax-effective for higher rate tax payers),
  • We can now switch to a cheaper online payment system, which means more of the money donated through our website goes straight to the charity.
  • You can donate to the charity by selling items on eBay and nominating us to receive the proceeds, perfect for the New Year’s clear out don’t you think?


I’m also excited to report that Erect Architecture have been officially instructed and are poring over your questionnaire responses and all our notes from the focus groups. You can too (click here), a perfect read with your favourite festive tipple.

Speaking of which, thank you to all of you who came along to enjoy the inaugural Grand Christmas Fair.  The mulled wine and sweet treats went down, well, a treat!  We raised just over £200, add that to the Feast’s kind donation of £350 and November has been a very good month for the charity.

All that remains to be said is: have a very merry Christmas from all of the Playscapers, we’re looking forward to a successful 2016!

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