
Shelford Wheelzone is open!

We can’t quite believe it!  After such a long time in the planning, Bendcrete Skateparks have been and gone, and in the blink of an eye our amazing new mini-skatepark is open! Please note we are awaiting a few sections of guardrail at either end of the park, so in meantime there is some temporary…

CGI image of a mini skate park with ramped ends and obstacles in the centre

Spring News 2024

The diggers are coming…! We’re so excited that Bendcrete Skateparks are ready to build the amazing new mini-skatepark.  They’re hoping to start mid to late March (depending on the weather) and anticipate the project will take 8 weeks.  Don’t worry, access to the tennis courts and the Playscape will be maintained during construction. What’s in…

Playscape Autumn News 2023

The finishing straight! What a great Autumn we’ve had!  Not only did we have the biggest turn out ever for the Shelford Fun Run (plus the fastest finish), we also learned that our grant application to build the Wheelscape was successful.  Woohoo! Wheelscape Grant Awarded Thanks to a large grant from the FCC community action…

Shelford Playscape New Year Update

It’s been a while, so welcome to our update on Shelford Playscape, the Shelford Fun Run and Shelford Wheelscape. Wishing you a happy and play filled 2023! The Playscape Team Shelford Playscape Can you believe it’s over a year since the Playscape opened?  It has been a joy to see the place used so extensively…

Playscape: Voices and Volunteers

With the success of the Playscape under our belts, we are now looking at large grants for the Wheelscape, a small skate park designed by specialists for all types of wheels: from bikes to boards, skates to wheelchairs. This is a crucial element of the adopted Master Plan that grew out of major consultations and…

Playscape – How the vision became a reality

6 years ago a group of volunteers decided something must be done about the lacklustre playground. Little did we know what a journey we’d undertaken! The inclusive and inspiring Playscape you see now is the result of thousands of hours of community engagement, research, planning, designing and fundraising. Our guiding vision emerged slowly, through curiosity…

Construction Update

The roundabout is in, the sand pit complete and last week it was incredibly exciting to witness the final tower delivered and see the concrete poured for the final pieces of equipment. The contractors are now installing the cladding on these towers and all of the ropes, footholds and poles. The last big job before…

Planting update

We saw the exciting installation of the first tower mid September and we had hoped that the Playscape would be open to all by now, but the national challenges around deliveries and materials has meant that the opening has slipped again. We have, however, had the delightful task of planting hundreds of plants into the…

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