
Playscape News – December 2017 Newsletter

Playscape & SSYI Dig for Spring Colour On the last Saturday of half-term we met to plant 500 bluebell bulbs in the copse and a range of native plants. Primroses, Wood Sage, Hairy St John’s Wort and Wild Garlic were planted amongst the bluebells and hedgerow plants such as Betony, Red Campion and Upright Hedge…

Playscape News – September 2017 Newsletter

Latest Playscape News – More Funding! We were delighted to discover that the local Parochial Charities have awarded us a grant of £5000 towards the project. We are now just an estimated £30k away from applying for the big grants for phases 2 & 3 (new pedestrian entrance, the car park extension and the top…

Playscape News – July 2017 Newsletter

Playscape Amazed by Local Generosity Playscape has received an unexpected donation of £20,000! The grant, from a donor-advised fund, is to further our charitable purposes and cover professional fees and fundraising expenses. This is such a boost for the team and the project! Supporting the strategic planning financially affirms the holistic and inclusive approach we’ve…

Playscape News – May 2017 Newsletter

SSYI & Playscape – Operation Copse Thanks to the commitment and hard graft of the SSYI you can now stroll through the copse, build a den, play in a willow swirl and sit to contemplate the scene on a choice of logs! During the Easter holidays Sophie O’Hara Smith led members of the SSYI and…

Playscape News – April 2017 Newsletter

SSYI & Playscape working on the wilder side Meadows taking shape In February a group of willing SSYI and Playscape volunteers joined Sophie O’Hara Smith down by the basketball court. With quantities of string, tape measures, stakes, line spray (and a touch of mental maths!) we marked out the new meadows and pathways. Seamus then…

Playspace News – March 2017 Newsletter

Inclusion: The Heart of the Playscape Project Taking a lead from the Village children (who insist on using the skateramp as one mighty challenge to run up and down!) the playscape scheme seeks to provide a landscape for everyone to enjoy and to interpret in their own way. Inclusion is a driving principle for us….

Playscape News – February 2017 Newsletter

Playscape – A Community Effort! We have been so encouraged by all the support we’ve received from you so far, and one of our biggest supporters, the SSYI, are truly getting their hands dirty for the cause! SSYI starts work on the Copse The young people have been busy building bird boxes and in half-term…

Playscape News – January 2017 Newsletter

A New Year, A New Playscape? We very much hope so! We want to raise some significant funds this year and our fundraising team will be working hard to raise corporate and private donations. Do contact us if you can help us on either of those fronts! We can then apply for the large local…

Playscape News – November 2016 Newsletter

Abseiling for Playscape! On October 1st, 40 intrepid abseilers took on St Mary’s Tower! Before you could actually abseil your first challenge was to climb the steep winding steps, clamber over the enormous church bells and squeeze up another metal ladder. Fortunately you were greeted by the very cheery Hatt Events lot who had you…

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