
Playscape – Nearly there!

How many more sleeps till the Playscape opens? Well we can’t say exactly, but the end of this month is looking very promising!   Duncan & Grove were scheduled to be on site for 10 weeks, with the grass needing a further 4 – 6 weeks to establish, making our projected opening mid-September. As with…

Construction update

The first few mounds have been handed over to the community and they’re already proving a hit! Sunbathing, picnicking, fell running (well, sort of!) – the community is proving to be most inventive with how they use them! The first lot of equipment has also now been concreted in place and we are waiting the…

Latest Update

The Contractors have now been here for a month and things are looking very different! All the old equipment and safety surfacing (3 layers in some places!) have been removed and tons of hardcore and topsoil have been delivered to the site to create the new mounds. We were excited to see the first delivery…

Further Support for Playscape

We are delighted to announce that Scotsdales Garden Centre will be generously supplying the plants for the new borders of the Playscape. From dogwoods and Japanese anenomes to lavender and beautiful grasses, the planting will be hardy and pollinator friendly, providing long seasonal interest for all creatures who visit the rec. Our sincere thanks goes…

Playscape Construction Timeline

By the time you read this we’re hopeful that the contractors will have been instructed to proceed and you should see changes on site imminently! The construction is expected to take about 10 weeks, although the Playscape will remain cordoned off whilst the new grass establishes itself for at least a further 6 weeks. This…

Nearly there? (read to the end!)

We know that the current playground is really on its last legs, but we are cautiously optimistic that this will be the last winter of muddy entrances, non-existent climbing nets and worn out surfacing! The team has been working hard behind the scenes on planning conditions and finalising grant submissions, so I thought I’d share…

Latest Updates

Copse Have you spied the new magposts in the copse yet? These are posts with magnifying glasses set into them so would-be naturalists can study what they’ve found. The SSYI and Playscape team spent a very soggy Monday just before Christmas installing them, along with the new signs that the SSYI had made, plus sixty…

Working to bring the Playscape to life in 2021

The Playscape committee worked very hard over the autumn to prepare two major grant applications and also worked alongside the various professionals to get the tender out for the main contractor. I am delighted to say that we accomplished all these goals before Christmas, a huge step towards realising this vision. The Playscape will definitely…

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