
Playscape News – December 2020 Newsletter

The Copse 2.0 The copse and meadows were one of the first phases of the master plan to be implemented and they have become a real destination for rec users, especially during these strange covid-19 times. As with all things, it was time to reassess these spaces and see what could be improved. The den…

Playscape News – August 2020 Newsletter

Playscape Answers Your Questions With the reopening of our village playground, we can imagine that many community members are wondering about Playscape’s progress to build a new playground. We’ve received some very good questions from the community, so we thought we’d answer them here! Q: You’ve been working on this for over five years; why…

Playscape News – July 2020 Newsletter

Playscape – Our Valuable Rec, A Space for All What a joy it has been to see the rec used so extensively during this time of lockdown. Kids have learnt to ride their bikes, mini-outdoor gyms have popped up in the copse and even deck chairs were spied in the meadow! Genius. Yes there’s been…

Playscape News – March 2020 Newsletter

Playscape – A Space to thrive A recent review of nearly 400 papers that focus on health, well-being and social integration reveals the benefits that parks and green spaces have for people and communities. The Space to Thrive Report, conducted by researchers from Sheffield Hallam University and The University of Sheffield, found that access to parks…

Playscape News – February 2020 Newsletter

Playscape – Who Are We and What Are We Doing? We’ve been around for a while, but we thought it worth introducing ourselves again and updating everyone. Who, What, Why? Hi! We’re a local charity run my volunteers championing the complete transformation of the rather sorry playground into an inclusive and exciting Playscape. We want…

Playscape News – January 2020 Newsletter

Happy New Year! A huge thank you to everyone who supported us last year, with a special shout out to Nicola and her family who raised £168 with donations from their wonderful Christmas Lights Display. We were also delighted to receive a generous gift of £1000 in December too, which we are very grateful for….

Playscape News – November 2019 Newsletter

More funds for an Inclusive Playscape We were delighted to receive a generous donation of £5000 over the summer and raise a further £4400 from the fantastic Fun Run in September. This is great news for our campaign to bring an inclusive and inspiring playscape to the Village. Master Plan Progress The new services transformed…

Playscape News – May 2019 Newsletter

Playscape: Shelter Competition Winner(s)! We are delighted to announce the winning design of the Shelter Competition. There were so many good ideas that in the end we decided to combine three entries. So congratulations to our joint winners: Elliot Morrison (5 years old) & Anja Evans (a local mum), who both had the idea to…


Guest blog post by Duncan Grey The roads are being dug up again, there are temporary traffic lights around the village and now the car park is closed for more digging. What’s going on? Irritating as it is, this is work that will benefit us all. And as grandma used to say, “You can’t make…

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