
Playscape News – April 2019 Newsletter

Breaking Ground for Playscape Satisfying progress was made for the Playscape project last month when the PC got the crucial Feast Services underway. This great step forward was, however, rather dampened by the discovery of extensive asbestos in the ground and the accompanying costs of dealing with it. You can read more fully about the…

Playscape News – January 2019 Newsletter

Playscape: Happy New Year! Thank you for all of your support in 2018. It was great to see so many of you at the Lights Switch on too, although we will definitely be buying A LOT more wine next year – sorry to those at the back of the queue when we sold out! Wonderfully…

Playscape News – December 2018 Newsletter

Shelter Design Competition This Shelter is not the prettiest and until some new wooden seats were installed, it wasn’t very comfortable either! However, we think we can give it a new lease of life: Nestled next to the future basketball & football practice area, with some quirky new companions (the old horse and roundabout will…

Playscape News – August 2018 Newsletter

Playscape – A Community Effort We were doubly blessed by the American visitors to the Free Church last month. They raised £81 for Playscape with a car wash and then helped us to weed and water the three new trees in the meadow and the new hedge. Not a mean feat considering the distance to…

Playscape News – July 2018 Newsletter

Playscape plans have been granted planning permission! This is a great milestone for the project. Erect Architecture can now start on the technical drawings, which in turn will allow us to go out to tender (a pre-requisite for most grants) in the not too distant future. Now we need the rest of the funds to…

Playscape News – May 2018 Newsletter

Work Continues! Playscape and the SSYI took the opportunity over the Easter break to do some remedial work in the copse. Thanks to Keira, Marlon and Zac there is a new (sturdier!) willow and hazel hurdle. If you take any budding den builders down to the copse please encourage them to use sticks that are…

Playscape News – March 2018 Newsletter

Recipe for a New Playscape Ingredients 1 dozen committee members 2 dozen public consultations 1 x It’s a knockout extravaganza A dusting of abseilers 400 fun runners A generous outpouring of donations Mix it all together, let it rise for a month or two whilst we wait for planning permission and then ice with final…

Playscape News – February 2018 Newsletter

Playscape: Down by the River Have you seen the new bridge? Thanks to the South Cambs Community chest (and the hardy builders who installed the bridge at the end of December!) you can now cross the ditch with ease. The stepping stones have also been installed, courtesy of the Co-op grant, and given that the…

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